Rana's Mala Blog
What is the significance of 108?
Posted by Rana Nader on
108 is a sacred number in both Buddhism and Hinduism. There are 108 lines of energy (nadis) that go out from your heart chakra to the other 6 chakras. Because love & healing are required to balance all the other chakras, the heart chakra must act as the filter for the circulating energy.
- Tags: 108 beads, custom mala, japa mala, jewelry, mala, mala beads, mala necklace, yoga jewelry
What is a Mala Bead?
Posted by Rana Nader on
Mala Beads, or more specifically Japa Mala Beads, are a functional garlands of meaningful and mindful beads used for meditation. They are often kept sacred and close by and either carried in a special pouch or worn as jewelry, typically as a necklace or a wrap bracelet.
- Tags: 108 beads, custom mala, japa mala, jewelry, mala, mala beads, mala necklace, yoga jewelry